
Sa Bdag

Sa Bdag

Sa Bdag is a 4 person group project that followed the Biomimicry 3.8 approach of Biology to Design, in which we designed a water catching and storing system meant to be implemented in the Tibetan Plateau to help preserve the cultural heritage of nomadic lifestyles in a sustainable manner.



Sa Bdag is a water collector and storage that would be available to the Tibetan nomads throughout the different parts of their travel. The product would be a permanent installation that would serve as a cultural preservation mechanism against the Chinese government’s land restrictions. The pressure from the governing authorities are leading towards the extinction of these nomadic tribes and this innovative design would allow them to continue their practices in a more environmentally friendly manner. Our Sa Bdag (sadak; lords of the Earth) is a water harvesting and filtering system that will allow them to have access to their daily water consumption without being affected by future climate changes.


Environmental Context


March to May
Relatively chilly
High sun exposure
5-12 degrees C


June to August
High sun exposure
Humid + Rainfall
Temperature Fluctuation
16 degrees C


September to October
Best time to travel
Humid + Rainfall
Relatively chilly
9-13 degrees C


November to February
High sun exposure
Not severely cold
3- (-2) degrees C


Drivers of Change






Biomimetic Inspiration

Darkling Beetle.jpg

Mechanism: Living in the Namib desert, Darkling beetle adopted survival strategy called “Fog-basketing.” where the macro-structure on the elytra appears as a series of “bumps”, with “valleys” condenses fog and runs down towards its mouth.

Strategy: Head standing posture facing towards the foggy wind to increase the surface area.

Design Principle: The combination hydrophilic and hydrophobic surface area that direct the water down (gravity) to a singular collector.


Mechanism: Cacti reduces evaporation by their heat reflecting capacity. The cactus’s ribs shade their surface against the sun and improve heat radiation. When the sun is at its highest peak it hits the torch thistles reaching minimal surface.

Strategy: Ribs and tubercles that affect the surface temperature.

Design Principle: The ribbing pattern that creates a multi purpose function of staying cool, providing shade, and enhancing heat.

Lotus Leaf.jpg

Mechanism: The lotus leaf has a superhydrophobic surface created by the shape and density of the papillae which allows it to remain clean from any dirt. This is important as it will maximize photosynthesis as well as using the beads of water to wash off potential pathogens, therefore keeping the plant healthy.

Strategy: Using a superhydrophobic finish on its leaves to make the surface self-cleaning

Design Principle: The shape and density of the papillae are the bases for the extremely reduced contact area between the leaf and water drops.

Shark Skin.jpg

Mechanism: The scales’ triangular shape and fine regularly spaced ridges are aligned along the shark’s body axis, accelerating the flow of water closest to the skin. This prevents fouling because the fast flowing water near the surface of the skin reduces the time microorganisms have to settle and washes away any that do settle.

Strategy: The scales of shark skin prevents the attachment of fouling organisms.

Design Principle: Due to the shape and surface topography of the shark’s skin, fouling organisms are unable to attach themselves and impact the animal’s health.

Calla Lily.jpg

Mechanism: The Lily replicates nature’s spiral flow pattern - observed in whirlpools and tornadoes – to significantly improve the performance and energy usage of mixing water storage tanks. This allows for efficiency of flow as nature never travels in straight lines and tends to follow a spiraling path.

Strategy: The spiral created by nature in the Calla Lily is optimal for flow.

Design Principle: Using the natural shape of the lily, which mirrors nature’s spiral, as an impeller, the flow efficiency is dramatically increased.

Whale Fin.jpg

Mechanism: The flippers have non-smooth leading edges that demonstrate superior fluid dynamics to the characteristically smooth leading edges of turbines,etc. Water passing between a humpback’s tubercles maintain even channels of fast-moving water, allowing humpbacks to keep their “grip” on the water.

Strategy: Being able to maintain grip on sharper angles and turn tighter corners, even at low speed.

Design Principle: The flippers of the humpback whale channel flow and increase aerodynamic efficiency due to tubercles or bumps.


Physical Prototype